América Latina frente a la invasión de Rusia a Ucrania
¿Es posible tener un no-alineamiento activo mientras se desarrollan situaciones que ponen en riesgo la estabilidad global?
¿Es posible tener un no-alineamiento activo mientras se desarrollan situaciones que ponen en riesgo la estabilidad global?
Today, the Biden administration’s Latin America policy turns one year old, and a check-in on the state of affairs is warranted.
Russia’s posture in Latin America is far more threatening to the U.S. than that of China.
La asombrosa victoria de la oposición venezolana en el estado natal de Chávez no hubiera sido posible sin el apoyo de fuerzas centristas que hasta ahora han sido excluidas de la principal coalición opositora.
Rebuilding opposition unity will be key to posing an effective electoral challenge to Chavismo.
In 2022, the United States will find that after a few initial signs of hope, the hemisphere to which it is intimately bound by ties of geography, commerce, and family is more dangerous, less democratic, less stable, less willing to cooperate, and more engaged than ever with its extra-regional rivals.
Brazilians learned they have a gay governor; LGBTQ acceptance is expanding in some countries; and Chile adopted full marriage equality.
This November, voters in five countries across Latin America head to the polls. In Chile, Argentina, and Honduras, the electorate will have an opportunity to choose from an array of candidates from different ideological backgrounds. In Nicaragua and Venezuela, free and fair elections are far from guaranteed.
A new wave of tensions took place in Venezuela this week as Alex Saab, a Colombian national and associate of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, was extradited from Cabo Verde to the United States.
Once again Venezuela’s democratic opposition finds itself in an electoral dilemma. This time, though, it’s not (entirely) of their own doing. The moral weight of whether and how to participate in the November 21 regional and local elections hangs more on the European Union.