Top articles from 2016

Here are our 10 most-read articles from 2016. Some of the most popular topics: China, populism, Nicaragua, Haiti, Venezuela, new coups and fake coups,  and the “science” of U.S. foreign policy making.  Did your favorites make the list?

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LatinAmericaGoesGlobal contributor forced to leave Nicaragua

In Managua to conduct research on the planned Nicaraguan pan-isthmian canal, our regular contributor, R. Evan Ellis, was unceremoniously shown the exit after less than 24 hours. A professional, detailed scholar—as well as a great guy—why didn’t the Nicaraguan government want him there?

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Best of 2015-2016

Global Americans/ is 1 year old! To celebrate this admittedly minor milestone, the editors picked over our contributions from the past 12 months and chose our favorites.

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Time to talk about India and Latin America

While much of the media and policy attention has focused on China, Russia and Iran’s involvement in the region—often with handwringing or finger pointing—India has become a player in its own right. Unlike China, the South Asian giant’s economic interests and practices in the region are more compatible to Latin American economies and development.

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