The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Latin America?
The U.S. should view Latin America and the Caribbean as partners rather than pawns in a great power competition against China and emphasize this partnership in their relationship.
The U.S. should view Latin America and the Caribbean as partners rather than pawns in a great power competition against China and emphasize this partnership in their relationship.
Last Monday, the Honduras Supreme Court unanimously ratified the decision taken earlier this month by Judge Edwin Ortez to extradite former President Juan Orlando Hernández to the United States.
The new dynamic is very different from the competing ideological-political-military blocks that characterized the Cold War and is arguably not the product of conscious design by the PRC or any single one of the actors empowered by engaging with it.
The autocrat’s worst nightmare is not only a united and unified Europe, but also an American continent that possesses the resources and resolve to push for a common approach to today’s global energy challenges.
Even as ongoing crises capture Washington’s attention, what happens in Latin America and the Caribbean will always reach U.S. shores, thereby necessitating committed and consistent attention to its neighbors—one that is met with action and resources.
Si bien operan desde perspectivas estratégicas disímiles, Putin y Xi tienen múltiples ambiciones superpuestas.
The Castillo government becomes less chaotic when viewed in the context of Peru’s geopolitical needs and constraints.
U.S. leaders have taken exactly the right approach with the new leader of Honduras, welcoming Castro as a partner to resolve the root causes of migration.
Today, Latin America is badly fragmented. In this difficult context, the Biden Latin American team has taken some positive first steps.
More than 60 Cuban citizens faced trial this week in the Caribbean island nation.