Fostering Hemispheric Solidarity Through Inter-American Education

In particular, discussions around history tend to ignore the need to teach students about Latin America and the Caribbean and how interconnected the world has become. This hole in the U.S. education system is reflected in a lack of attention to the region in U.S. foreign policy. To bolster engagement with the rest of the Americas, the United States should expand its education system’s coverage of Inter-American history and Latin American studies.

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Countering the New Autocrat’s Manual

A depoliticized lens would afford the United States more room to be consistent, nuanced, and effective in its foreign policy with the region, supporting struggling democracies and seeking the sustainable democratic evolution of incipient criminalized states.

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Colombian Government Suspends ELN Ceasefire

The ELN—Colombia’s largest active guerilla group—later replied with a statement issued on Tuesday claiming that they did not agree to such a ceasefire and clarified they would only analyze a ceasefire proposal during the ongoing negotiations.

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