All Eyes on Colombia’s Tech Sector

The tech sector has gained increasing importance in Colombia’s economy. However, our analysis suggests there are many opportunities for growth and development but also many challenges which will make it difficult for Colombia to take full advantage of all the technology sector’s benefits.

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Lula 3.0: Retos para la gobernabilidad

Es innegable la voluntad de Lula de apaciguar el bolsonarismo y reconciliar el país para transformar la dura realidad social. Desafortunadamente, de momento, esta labor no estará libre de obstáculos.

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Goldfajn to Lead IDB

On Sunday, the Inter-American Development Bank’s (IDB) board of governors elected Brazil’s Ilan Goldfajn as the president of the hemisphere’s premier financial institution.

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Protestors Demonstrate in Mexico

On Sunday, Mexicans took to the streets across the nation to protest President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s plan to replace the National Electoral Institute (INE) with directly elected delegates.

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U.S. Backs Probe of OAS Head

Last Saturday, the U.S. backed calls for an external probe into a potentially intimate relationship involving OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro and a Mexican-born staffer, reported Associated Press.

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