Adrift: US-Haiti policy

The challenges Haiti faces are immense and cannot be easily addressed without active international policy coordination, leadership by US diplomacy, and close and sustained interaction with key Haitian actors.

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Will the release of the Pandora Papers lead to any change?

The Pandora Papers illustrate the evils of financial secrecy, transnational corruption, and money laundering, as well as the ability of politicians, high-net-worth individuals, and criminals to hide their money. They also show the insatiable temptations of financial confidentiality and the growing knack of the ICIJ to expose financial secrecy.

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With eye toward countering Chinese Belt and Road, Biden administration lays groundwork for infrastructure program in Latin America

More than seven years after President of China Xi Jinping first announced the Belt and Road—the People’s Republic’s signature twenty-first century foreign policy agenda—the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden announced this week that the White House would send a delegation of officials to Latin America to scout opportunities for possible infrastructure development projects to counter those of China.

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