Suriname’s corruption and money laundering challenges

Earlier this month, the findings of Suriname’s National Risk Assessment on anti-money laundering and corruption were released. While the country has made progress, it faces a continued struggle to reshape a history and culture of deep institutional corruption.

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Could two wrongs make a right?

Enabling early pension withdrawals proved to be a suboptimal policy in Chile. Yet for other Latin American countries, early pension withdrawals should not be immediately discounted as a viable policy option.

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Reimagining slums in Latin America: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has put informal settlements, and the policy failures that they represent, back in the spotlight. Immediate strategies to combat the virus in slums have been deployed throughout Latin America, which includes five of the countries—Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina—that have suffered the most COVID-19-related deaths per capita. However, the strong regional impact from COVID-19 calls for differentiated governance and policy response.

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Ecuador beyond the electoral result

After the election on February 7, Ecuador is now faced with a runoff between Andrés Arauz and Guillermo Lasso on April 11. Regardless of the outcome, the challenges facing the country’s economic future are enormous.

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