Chinese advances in Chile

Both the positive aspects and the limits of Chile’s relationship with China merit further attention by other nations in the Western Hemisphere, both in terms of how to achieve benefits from engaging with China through strong, transparent institutions and what to guard against.

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A Case for Caution on Human Rights

Advocates should embrace a two-pronged approach, pushing the envelope at the domestic level while reinforcing well-established rights through international institutions. Rather than weighing in on contested issues and provoking a nationalist backlash, the Inter-American Court and the IACHR should instead reinforce rights that are widely approved by the public but neglected by governments.

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Part 1: A consequence of relisting Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism

This article is the first in a two-part series on Cuba’s designation as a State Sponsor of Terrorism. Once on the list, a country is subject to lawsuits in U.S. courts that would otherwise be dismissed on the basis of sovereign immunity. It is the court judgments, resulting from such suits, that have long-term implications for U.S.–Cuba relations.

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