New directions in the deepening Chinese-Argentine engagement

The December 2019 inauguration of President Alberto Fernández and Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner in Argentina returned to power a Peronist government that has not only moved the nation in an increasingly left-populist direction, but has also opened the door for a substantial deepening of the country’s already significant relationship with the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

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Beyond earthquake headlines: Political crisis in Haiti

While this democratic crisis unfolds, the Haitian people also find themselves in a humanitarian crisis. Schools have closed not just due to COVID-19, but to safeguard students and teachers from rampant violent crimes and kidnappings. In addition, 40 percent of the population is food insecure.

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U.S.-Cuban rapprochement?

2021 could yet prove to be a pivotal year in U.S.-Cuban relations, but much will rest on how domestic politics in both countries play out under their respective leadership. 

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