Brazil, democracy, and the “fake news” bill

Brazil’s “fake news” bill aims to create transparency on social media and private messaging apps to combat the rampant spread of disinformation that influenced the 2018 and 2020 elections, but carries its own risks to freedom of speech.

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The view of a new Bolivian president from El Alto

Sitting from a position more among the clouds than the buildings of neighboring cities, El Alto conjures the image of a rising political underdog whose Indigenous voice has managed to reverberate throughout the country in the last decade. As Bolivia returns to MAS leadership under Luis Arce, the highland community has shown that it will continue to elevate the interests of Indigenous and rural groups, amplifying their voices from the mountaintops.

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The Caribbean and money laundering: Waiting for the post-COVID-19 world

The Caribbean is often associated with money laundering and other forms of financial fraud. This association remains despite considerable efforts by Caribbean governments and professional organizations to enact anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing rules, as well as the establishment of regulations and collaboration with international and regional bodies.

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Introducing the EcoCiencia Foundation

Global Americans is proud to partner with and support the EcoCiencia Foundation, an Ecuadorean organization that conserves biological diversity through scientific research, the recovery of traditional knowledge, and environmental education. Join us for a January 14 fundraiser to promote research and analysis on U.S.-Latin America relations.

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