Hemisphere Weekly: Bolivia’s next president, Luis Arce

Bolivia held its 2020 presidential election on October 18, with MAS candidate Luis Arce emerging as an early victor. This presidential race comes after a tumultuous year for the Latin American country in light of the early departure of long-time president Evo Morales and interim presidency of Jeanine Áñez.

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Guyana and the next economic wave

Guyana’s economy is projected to grow by 26 percent in 2020, but the country will need more than just money alone to affect much needed changes in governance frameworks, inhuman capital, and transparency.

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St. Vincent and the Grenadines go to the polls

On November 5, 2020, St. Vincent and the Grenadines will also go to the polls to decide whether Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves will win his fifth consecutive term in office. The vote is expected to center largely around the United Labour Party’s management of the nation’s troubled economy.

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Bolsonaro’s popularity is on the rise

Despite the high COVID-19 death toll in Brazil, the president’s popularity is still rising. What strategies is he using and will the administration be able to maintain and build on its momentum for the 2022 elections?

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Mancuso: el fantasma de la Colombia pasada

El regreso de Salvatore Mancuso a Colombia puede significar un avance en materia de reparación para las víctimas, pero también significa una mirada al pasado, a un país que ningún colombiano quiere volver; por esto, se debe proceder con cautela y cuidado.

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