Guyana: “Oil don’t spoil,” but …

Guyana’s recent oil windfall has been well-documented, but successfully harnessing the opportunity it brings will require a combination of transparency, institutional management, and infrastructure changes.

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Do not forget October 2

Hoy recordamos la masacre de Tlatelolco, ocurrida el 2 de octubre de 1968 y reflexionamos sobre lo que ha cambiado y lo que sigue igual 52 años después.

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Extractive Industries in the Amazon

Watch part two of our two-day conference on “Indigenous Rights and Extractive Industries in the Amazon,” with author Mark Pieth, former Colombian judge Luz Nagle, Júlia Marisa Sekula from Instituto Igarapé, and Bruce Zagaris, founder of International Enforcement Law Reporter.

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Indigenous Rights in the Amazon

Watch part one of our two-day conference on “Indigenous Rights and Extractive Industries in the Amazon,” with speakers like Colombia’s former Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Luis Gilberto Murillo, and others.

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