Bolivia’s general election gains momentum

Interim President Jeanine Áñez’s proposal to delay the presidential election further than the agreed September 6 date adds further uncertainty to what promises to be the most polarized election Bolivia has experienced in over a decade.

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Colombia joins the OECD—so what?

On April 28, Colombia became the 37 member of the OECD. Membership into the “club” is a commitment to serve as a modern state capable of advancing the economic and social wellbeing of its citizens.

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From pandemics to floods: Inequality as a comorbidity

Similar to the COVID-19 pandemic, environmental disasters hit marginalized communities the hardest. Not just because they are more exposed to risk, but because of social vulnerabilities and inequalities that prevent them from responding to these events.

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Guyana’s final hurdle

With the electoral crisis nearing its end, things appeared to be heading in the right direction for Guyana. But recent statements from the APNU+AFC coalition put the entire process at risk.

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