Brazil’s red flags

Brazil’s structural issues didn’t start with the arrival of President Bolsonaro. Yet his failure to compromise with the progressive agenda only makes Brazil’s structural problems worse.

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Acting on climate while states fail to act

Brazil and the developing world are not the only culprits on climate change. The developed world too shares the blame for CO2 output. Unfortunately, the international system lacks the capacity to address these gaps. Is it time to reconsider activism and action that doesn’t depend on states?

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Bolton out

After disagreements with President Trump, John Bolton is out as head of the NSC.

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Macri and Argentina’s PASO

Argentina’s economy is spiraling out of control and President Mauricio Macri is trying hard to put the pieces back together in an effort to save his re-election bid.

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The fall of Guatemala’s Sandra Torres

Sandra Torres’ arrest comes less than a month after she competed in Guatemala’s presidential run-off election. Her fall reveals what the fight against corruption will look like in a post-CICIG era.

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AMLO’s first State of the Union address

On September 1, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) delivered his first summary of the country address. But AMLO’s Fourth Transformation—an ambitious political project to transform Mexico—seems to be falling short in addressing the country’s challenges, both nationally and internationally.

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