Navigating Guyana’s muddy waters

On the eve of a massive oil windfall, Guyana finds itself in the midst of a political power struggle, forcing the United States to walk a careful path between a comfortable partner and a regime it once looked on with suspicion.

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Cuba para todos?

On Sunday, Cubans took to the polls to “vote” for a new constitution. However, the new document didn’t include a provision that opened the door for same-sex marriage legalization by defining marriage as “a consensual union between two people.” 

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The Guaidó generation

Juan Guaidó, who only a month ago was little known on the international scene, has positioned himself as the leader of a generation of service-oriented young Venezuelans who today represent the best option for unleashing a democratic transition in the country.

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Maduro’s grip on power

Is he going anywhere? It has been three weeks since opposition leader Juan Guaidó declared himself interim-president of Venezuela, but Maduro hasn’t budged from power.

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