Dictators Trump loves

U.S. President Donald Trump has an affinity for “strongmen” like Russia’s Putin and Brazil’s Bolsonaro, so why then does he not get along with Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro?

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Beginning the endgame in Venezuela

U.S. decision makers must not let frustration or enthusiasm distract them from the importance of the Venezuelan people and the constitution. Any role for the U.S. military must be a limited, supporting one at most.

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Maduro’s last days in power?

Maduro’s long-term survival is no longer feasible, but the timeline for his departure and a subsequent democratic transition is still far from certain. Here are three possible scenarios.

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Great move. Well played. What next?

The events of January 23 were a victory for the once divided and dispirited Venezuelan opposition. But with Maduro so far refusing to step aside and a rogues’ gallery of governments lining up to support him, could the U.S. have stumbled into an international showdown?

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