La ONU y Haití
En esas misiones de la ONU y otras iniciativas de apoyo a Haití ha faltado una visión de construcción del Estado como premisa básica para articular la sociedad, el sistema económico y la estructura gubernamental.
En esas misiones de la ONU y otras iniciativas de apoyo a Haití ha faltado una visión de construcción del Estado como premisa básica para articular la sociedad, el sistema económico y la estructura gubernamental.
La descripción de “significativamente corrupto” no debería pesar solo sobre el Señor Horacio Cartes, sino sobre la sociedad paraguaya que conscientemente acepta y apoya conductas que sabemos todos pueden ser más honestas, más transparentes.
Expanding criminality—in the form of narcotrafficking, illegal mining, logging, and other activities—continues to erode the effectiveness of Peruvian institutions, as well as the faith of the Peruvian people in democratic, market-oriented solutions to their challenges.
The fate of the Castillo experiment also foreshadows what could occur with multiple other governments across the region also undergoing similar political transitions.
Global Americans and the Caribbean Policy Consortium hosted an event to discuss the Summit of the Americas and its implications for the Caribbean and the hemisphere more generally.
El presidente Abdo tuvo en Pecci al mejor colaborador en las investigaciones legales para perseguir a narcotraficantes extranjeros y locales.
Gustavo Petro won the presidency. However, it should be well understood that a significant portion of the country did not want him to become president. This result does not give the new president a clear mandate to execute their policy without at least trying to address concerns from the other side.
It is imperative that the United States continues to assist its smaller neighbors with initiatives to reduce the violence [in the Anglophone Caribbean].
My time as a U.S. diplomat in Cuba during the Obama thaw of 2015-17 showed me what was possible to achieve when diplomacy was given a chance to work.
Last week, Colombian kingpin Dairo Antonio Úsuga, better known as Otoniel, was extradited to the United States, where he will face drug- and arms-trafficking charges in the Southern District Court of Florida. The 50-year-old Otoniel has been involved in crime since he was an adolescent, as a member of both the left-wing Ejército Popular del Pueblo (EPL) and the right-wing Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC).