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Global Americans’ in-depth research and analysis of the long-term trends and current events impacting Mexico, the United States, and Canada.

Editor's Picks
El Comité de Participación Ciudadana y la lucha contra corrupción en Mexico
Esta entrevista se llevó a cabo el 1º de agosto de 2024, entre la Dra. Vania Pérez Morales, integrante del Comité de Participación Ciudadana (CPC) ...
Explaining and Predicting: The Americas Act, U.S.-Latin America Trade, and Countering China
This explainer examines regional incentives, reactions, and beneficiaries of this landmark effort to reinvigorate hemispheric trade.
Things Fall Apart: Will Mexico’s Ruling Party Survive the Upcoming Change in Administration?
MORENA has developed fractures that may portend a coming schism. Indeed, the chances of a major rupture in the party during a Sheinbaum administration appear ...
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Understanding the Venezuela-Guyana Controversy: Exploring the Geopolitical Implications

Chile's Constitutional Rewrite: A Global Americans Explainer

Analyzing Argentina's Presidential Elections: A Global Americans Explainer


Explaining and Predicting: President-elect Mulino’s Immigration Policy and the Darien Gap Under New Management
In this explainer, we examine Mulino’s migration policy and assess the current situation in the Darien Gap as well as the impact that “closing the ...
Explaining and Predicting the Impact of Student Protests Across the Americas: Finding a Balance
This explainer explores the varying scales and tactics of these protests and what they signify for their countries and the broader hemisphere.
The Human Cost of Operation Lone Star
Is the Biden administration, despite its legal posturing, content to abdicate some of its responsibilities on the ground and let Operation Lone Star take over?

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