Carta a Luisa Ortega Díaz

No le conozco en persona, Luisa, pero en estos días ha pasado a tener un papel de primer orden en cualquier escenario de resolución a la profunda crisis que vive nuestro país. Por esa razón le escribo.

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The U.S. Congress throws Venezuelans a lifeline

A bipartisan bill from the U.S. Congress does what the Venezuelan government and others should have done long ago: offer assistance to its long-suffering citizens. Maduro isn’t likely to accept, but will other countries step up?

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OAS and Venezuela: Another contested vote but with recommendations

The March 28 OAS Permanent Council discussion on Venezuela was a not-so-subtle rebuke to the failed efforts at dialogue. Instead of acknowledging shifting international opinion, though, the next day Venezuela Supreme Court gave the OAS its sharpest example yet of an “interruption in the constitutional process.” Now what?

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