The strategic importance of Brazil
As the U.S. works to advance its policy objectives and interests in the Western Hemisphere, the enormous potential of Brazil as a partner, and the cost of ignoring it, is often overlooked.
As the U.S. works to advance its policy objectives and interests in the Western Hemisphere, the enormous potential of Brazil as a partner, and the cost of ignoring it, is often overlooked.
Hola, Tarek. Poeta, estos versos no te deben ser desconocidos: “Cuando se tiene un hijo, se tiene al hijo de la casa y al de la calle entera (…) Cuando se tiene un hijo, se tienen tantos niños (…) y es nuestro cualquier niño cuando cruza la calle”. La voz de Andrés Eloy Blanco, que al igual que tu se desdobló entre la poesía y el fragor de la lucha política, tiene una vigencia sin par en la Venezuela de estos días.
As I saw in four days at a region-wide discussion, Latin American militaries are already collaborating on the triple threats of narcotics trafficking, terrorism and organized crime. Here are nine areas for further cooperation.
President Nicolás Maduro shocked Venezuela this week when he announced he was giving exceptional powers to his Defense Minister, General Vladimir Padrino López. Was this a palace-coup by the military against a rudderless, discredited Maduro government?
The Honduran Armed Forces are the most trusted state institution in Honduras. Since Honduras’ transition to democracy, the armed forces have diminished in size, but not in responsibility.
The approach chosen by Honduras to combat gangs and narcotics trafficking is not perfect. Yet despite its military character and the unrelated, but distracting, political crisis currently faced by the Hernández government, the Honduran approach to the nation’s overwhelming security challenges is creative, credible, and home-grown.
China has increased the sale of sophisticated weapons systems to Latin America and the Caribbean, mostly–though not exclusively–to countries opposed to the United States. With it has come other forms of military cooperation between China and its new customers. Should the U.S. be worried? If so, what can it do about it?