The oil connection

When Rex Tillerson was first floated as a possible pick for Secretary of State, many red flags were raised.


Cartoon credit: RJ Matson, Roll Call,

When Rex Tillerson was first floated as a possible pick for Secretary of State, many red flags were raised. Particularly troubling were his former role as CEO of the world’s most valuable oil company and his close ties to Vladimir Putin. If that wasn’t enough, only a week after he was signed into office, the U.S. Congress voted to revoke a Dodd-Frank provision (known as Cardin-Lugar) that required oil, gas and mining companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges to declare the payments made to foreign governments. One of the companies that led the lobby against the Cardin Lugar was, surprise surprise, Exxon Mobil. Last week, Trump signed the bill, so now we can rest assured that the president has the best interests of the people (who work for oil companies) in mind. 

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