The wall or the dragon

Who to pick? The country led by the guy who regularly refers to citizens south of the border as criminals or "bad hombres"? Or the new seemingly dynamic global economy that has pledged to increase trade to Latin America by $500 billion?


Who to pick? The country led by the guy who regularly refers to citizens south of the border as criminals or “bad hombres”? Or the new seemingly dynamic global economy that has pledged to increase trade to Latin America by $500 billion? For the past decade, China’s economic influence in Latin America has grown in leaps and bounds. With the new wave of protectionism threatening the world, will China become the new champion of free trade? As Kevin Gallagher points out in his article this week, the increasing influence of the dragon threatens Latin American economies, social peace and the environment.

Cartoon credit: Arcadio Esquivel, Costa Rica,

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