Our Contributors

Dr. Frank O. Mora is Professor of Politics and International Relations at Florida International University (FIU), and former Director of the Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center (2013-2020) at FIU. Prior to arriving at FIU, Dr. Mora served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Western Hemisphere from 2009-2013. He has held several teaching positions, including Professor of National Security Strategy and Latin American Studies at the National War College (2004-2009), Associate Professor, and Chair in the Department of International Studies, Rhodes College (2000-2004)… [Read More]

Follow Frank on Twitter at @FrankMora_FIU.

Dr. Evan Ellis is a research professor of Latin American Studies at the U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute, with a focus on the region’s relationships with China and other non-Western Hemisphere actors, as well as transnational organized crime and populism in the region. Dr. Ellis has published over 270 works, including the 2009 book China in Latin America: The Whats and Wherefores, the 2013 book The Strategic Dimension of Chinese Engagement with Latin America, the 2014 book, China on the Ground in Latin America, and the 2018 book, Transnational Organized Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean. Dr. Ellis previously served on the Secretary of State’s Policy Planning Staff (S/P) with responsibility for Latin America and the Caribbean (WHA), as well as International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) issues… [Read More]

Follow Evan on Twitter at @REvanEllis.

Dr. Patricio Navia is a professor of Liberal Studies and an adjunct professor at the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at New York University. He is also a professor of political science at Universidad Diego Portales in Chile. His research interests include democratization, electoral rules and democratic institutions in Latin America. Dr. Navia has published numerous scholarly articles and book chapters and been a visiting professor at Princeton, New School University, and Universidad de Salamanca and Universidad de Chile. Several of his books, including Diccionario de la politica chilenaEl discolo, conversaciones con Marco Enríquez-Ominami, and Las grandes alamedas: El Chile post-Pinochet, have been best sellers in Chile… [Read More]

Follow Patricio on Twitter at @patricionavia.

Dr. Andrés Cañizález initially obtained a Bachelor’s degree in journalism and went on to complete two Master’s degrees: one in the history of Venezuela and another in political science. He has a Doctorate in political science. Dr. Cañizález is a political analyst and scholar of the media. He was a senior researcher at Universidad Católica Andrés Bello in Venezuela (2001-2020) and director of Comunicación magazine (2000-2008). His book, La Presidencia Mediática (2012), addresses the communications policy of the Hugo Chávez government. He has written many scholarly articles published by magazines in Venezuela, Spain, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador, and Bolivia. He has combined academia with the defense and promotion of human rights in Venezuela… [Read More]

Follow Andrés on Twitter at @infocracia.

Dr. Greg Weeks is a professor of Political Science and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He is editor of the academic journal The Latin Americanistand he is the author of numerous books and articles, including The Military and Politics in Postauthoritarian Chile (2003), Irresistible Forces: Latin American Migration to the United States and its Effects on the South (2010), The Bachelet Government: Conflict and Consensus in Post-Pinochet Chile (2010), Understanding Latin American Politics (2014) and U.S. and Latin American Relations, 2nd Edition (2015)… [Read More]

Follow Greg on Twitter at @GregWeeksCLT.

Georges A. Fauriol is a Fellow with the Caribbean Policy Consortium and a Senior Associate at the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS). He is a Think Tank Haiti (TTH) Steering Group member, a partnership of Université Quisqueya (Haiti) and the Inter-American Dialogue, and teaches at Georgetown University’s Democracy and Governance Graduate Program. Fauriol retired in 2020 as Vice President, Grants Operations and Evaluation at the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), and served (2002-10) as Vice President of Strategic Planning, and Senior Vice President at one of NED’s implementing institutes, the International Republican Institute (IRI)… [Read More]

Scott B. MacDonald is the chief economist at Smith’s Research & Gradings and founding director of the Caribbean Policy Consortium. Prior to that, he was the head of research at MC Asset Management LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation (2012–2015); head of credit and economic research at Aladdin Capital Management in Stamford, Connecticut (2000–2011); chief economist for KWR International (1999–2000); director of sovereign research at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette (1994–1998); sovereign risk analyst and director at Credit Suisse (1992–1994); and an international economic adviser in the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency in Washington, D.C. (1988–1992). He is the author or editor of 18 books and numerous articles on economic affairs, covering events in the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and North America… [Read More]

Sergio Guzmán is the Director of Colombia Risk Analysis, a political risk consultancy. He provides business intelligence, security, and political risk analysis for the Andean region. His expertise is in the Colombian conflict, the resolution of international conflicts, and international development. Before founding Colombia Risk Analysis, Sergio worked at Control Risks where he was an international consultant in political and security risks. He also worked at Accion International, where he was part of a team of global specialists promoting fair lending practices and standards in a project called The Smart Campaign. Sergio also has experience working for the U.S. Congress and regional think tanks and NGOs, such as the Inter-American Dialogue and the Institute for Policy Studies, and Oxfam America… [Read More]

Follow Sergio on Twitter at @SergioGuzmanE

Nicolas Albertoni is a professor at the Universidad Católica del Uruguay and Research Associate at The Security and Political Economy (SPEC) Lab at the University of Southern California, where he is pursuing a Ph.D. in Political Science and International Relations. His research broadly engages questions in international political economy and comparative politics with an emphasis on Latin America trade policymaking and economic integration. He has published three books about South American regional integration with a focus on the Southern Cone. He holds a Master’s degree in Economics from USC, and a Master’s in Latin American Studies from Georgetown University.

Follow Nicolas on Twitter at @N_Albertoni.

Guy Edwards is currently pursuing his PhD at the University of Sussex exploring the connections between the great powers, climate change, and Latin America and is also a scholar with the Climate Social Science Network. He was formerly a senior consultant in the Fiscal Management and Climate Change Divisions at the Inter-American Development Bank. Before that, he was co-director of the Climate and Development Lab, a think tank at Brown University. He previously worked as the resident manager of the Huaorani Ecolodge in the Ecuadorian Amazon. He has a Masters degree in Latin American studies from the University of London. Guy’s first book, A Fragmented Continent: Latin America and the Global Politics of Climate Change, was published by MIT Press in 2015. His work has also been published by The New York Times, Project Syndicate, The Guardian, Brookings Institution, Boston Globe, Americas Quarterly, El Universal, La Tercera, El Comercio (Ecuador), World Politics Review, Climate Policy, and Chatham House.

Follow Guy on Twitter @GuyEdwards

Dr. Teresa Kramarz is an Associate Professor at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy in the University of Toronto. She directs the Munk One undergraduate program, co-directs the Environmental Governance Lab, and is the co-convener of the Accountability in Global Environmental Governance Task Force of the Earth System Governance network. Her work focuses on environmental accountability, public-private partnerships, international organizations, and the governance of oil and mining industries in the Latin America. Dr. Kramarz is the author of two books, Forgotten Values: The World Bank and Environmental Partnerships (2020) and Global Environmental Governance and the Accountability Trap (2019) both published by MIT Press… [Read More]

Follow Teresa on Twitter at @teresakramarz.

Dr. Natasha Zaretsky is a cultural anthropologist focusing on human rights, genocide, migration, and the politics of memory and truth in the Americas. Her latest book, Acts of Repair: Justice, Truth, and the Politics of Memory in Argentina (Rutgers University Press) examines transitional justice and memory in Argentina. Currently, she is a Senior Lecturer at New York University and a Visiting Scholar at the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University, where she leads the Truth in the Americas program.

Follow Natasha on Twitter at @nzaretsky.

Gabriel Salvia has served as a director of civil society organizations since 1992 and was a founding member of CADAL. He is a member of the Steering Committee of the Democratic Solidarity project of Forum 2000 (Czech Republic) and is president of CADAL Foundation. His opinion columns on human rights issues in international relations and democratic governance are published in Clarín, Infobae, Perfil, La Nación and Global Americans. He has also published articles in El País (Spain) and has been interviewed several times by CNN en Español. He compiled four books and is the author of Dancing for a mirage: Notes on politics, economy and diplomacy in the governments of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner… [Read More]

Follow Gabriel on Twitter at @GabrielSalvia.

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