Obama and Cuba: Should he stay or should he go?

With few concrete human rights improvements since he announced his embargo changes over a year ago, President Obama’s decision to travel to Cuba could be a surrender of U.S. principles or a master stroke of democratic diplomacy. It all depends how he plays it.

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Dos crisis, dos medidas

Desde hace algunos meses, la crisis económica y el abismo político en el que se encuentran los gobiernos de Brasil y México han ocupado editoriales y portadas de los principales diarios internacionales. Mientras Brasil enfrenta una recesión económica agravada por una débil gobernabilidad, México se hunde en una pocilga moral caracterizada por la corrupción endémica y una crisis de derechos humanos que ha tocado fondo.

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MACCIH takes shape in Honduras – how effective will it be?

Whether MACCIH will have a real impact remains to be seen. But its installation in Honduras offers at least a glimmer of hope that positive changes can begin to take place. Continued pressure and monitoring from civil society, journalists, and international donors will be necessary to ensure that MACCIH reaches its full potential rather than frustrating good-faith efforts in the fight against corruption.

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