The fall of Guatemala’s Sandra Torres
Sandra Torres’ arrest comes less than a month after she competed in Guatemala’s presidential run-off election. Her fall reveals what the fight against corruption will look like in a post-CICIG era.
Sandra Torres’ arrest comes less than a month after she competed in Guatemala’s presidential run-off election. Her fall reveals what the fight against corruption will look like in a post-CICIG era.
On September 1, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) delivered his first summary of the country address. But AMLO’s Fourth Transformation—an ambitious political project to transform Mexico—seems to be falling short in addressing the country’s challenges, both nationally and internationally.
Que Cuba juega un papel muy relevante en el devenir de Venezuela no parece ser un asunto en discusión.
How the possible consequences of the Colombian guerrilla group’s announcement to retake arms multiply the uncertainties in the Latin American country.
Cada día Maduro habla en cadena 21 minutos en promedio, tiempo en el cual su mensaje es único por todo el sistema de radio y televisión.
Este 3 de septiembre se oficializa lo que vendrá a ser una de las peores noticias para la vida institucional de la región.