John Oliver attempts to explain the chaos in Brazil

John Oliver's latest episode offers his take on what is going on behind all of the headlines coming out of Brazil.


John Oliver’s latest episode offers his take on what is going on behind all of the headlines coming out of Brazil.  Needless to say he points out some of the most glaring issues that make the Brazilian mess just so hard to believe. He starts by pointing out the shocking fact that there are more people suspected of crimes, per capita, in the Brazilian government than in the Brazilian prison system itself.  He then goes into the controversy swirling around Lula da Silva’s appointment to be President Rousseff’s chief of staff: not only does it appear to be a shameless attempt to avoid prosecution, but the judiciary itself cannot make up its mind as to whether to allow him to actually take up his cabinet position, with some going so far as to be in “open revolt against the executive.”  He finally brings it all home by reminding Americans that they may well be similarly embarrassed by coverage of the Republican convention come this summer.

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