La omnipresencia de la política en Brasil

La señora Carmen se despertó en la unidad de tratamiento intensivo del Hospital Madre Teresa. Luego de una delicada cirugía y aún bajo el efecto de la anestesia, hizo una pregunta que causó gracia a quienes la acompañaban – o Lula já foi preso?

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Latin America needs a plan to China’s Latin America plan

In 2015 China’s two development banks provided upwards of $29 billion in loans to Latin American governments with the promise of more to come. The problem is the region has no mechanism to constructively engage China to help direct and manage these funds. Here’s an idea.

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TPP and RCEP: are we witnessing a regional trade bloc war?

What does the trade war and the flurry of mega-trade agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)—the first excluding China, the second including China, but excluding the U.S.—mean for global trade and the future of the World Trade Organization?

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Obama and the memory of the Dirty War

Today, President Obama will stand in the Park of Memory in Buenos Aires, along the edge of the River Plate, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the day the military seized power in Argentina, beginning the Dirty War.

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