To impeach or not to impeach Dilma Rousseff
From former guerrilla to fast-rising protege of her predecessor Lula da Silva, she was supposed to preside over Brazil’s rise. Instead, the Brazilian president’s career may soon be over for good.
From former guerrilla to fast-rising protege of her predecessor Lula da Silva, she was supposed to preside over Brazil’s rise. Instead, the Brazilian president’s career may soon be over for good.
The net effect of these new bodies has been to create parallel forums more favorable to the interests of autocrats. That may be OK for Venezuela and others, but why are Brazil and other countries going along? And where are the media?
The new majority in the National Assembly has failed in offering economic alternatives and in confronting Venezuela’s political crisis. Despite being a lousy opposition, though, they are still important.
La señora Carmen se despertó en la unidad de tratamiento intensivo del Hospital Madre Teresa. Luego de una delicada cirugía y aún bajo el efecto de la anestesia, hizo una pregunta que causó gracia a quienes la acompañaban – o Lula já foi preso?
Human rights concerns in the Syria conflict? Not according to some Latin American governments.
Latin America has gone global, but not just in its trade and diplomacy. A growing number of governments are copying from autocrats around the world how to restrict democratic civil society. Sadly, democrats in the region have been slow to react.
With corruption scandals, popular protests and the revelations in the Panama Papers, it’s easy to think that corruption in Latin America has suddenly increased. It hasn’t, but Latin American institutions are better prepared to deal with the fallout.
In the past decade, Latin America and the Caribbean’s importance in the international system has changed dramatically. A new book examines the constraints and opportunities for this new era of Latin American foreign policy—and implications for U.S. foreign policy.
In 2015 China’s two development banks provided upwards of $29 billion in loans to Latin American governments with the promise of more to come. The problem is the region has no mechanism to constructively engage China to help direct and manage these funds. Here’s an idea.
La semana pasada tuvimos la oportunidad de entrevistar a Mae Montaño, Asambleísta Nacional, ingeniera, periodista y activista por los derechos de la mujer, niñez y la familia, y para la inclusión social de la población Afro-Ecuatoriana.