Elección presidencial en la Argentina: Los límites al debate y el cambio
En el debate presidencial Macri estuvo muy firme en pedir por la libertad de los presos políticos en Venezuela y la aplicación de la cláusula democrática del Mercosur.
En el debate presidencial Macri estuvo muy firme en pedir por la libertad de los presos políticos en Venezuela y la aplicación de la cláusula democrática del Mercosur.
In the run-up to the Venezuelan legislative elections on December 6th, 157 legislators from the United States, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, and Peru sent a joint letter to President Nicolas Maduro.
La situación de la independencia judicial en Argentina se ha deteriorado paulatina pero sostenidamente desde el año 2006 en adelante. Para discutir en profundidad esta problemática, dos ONG argentinas, Poder Ciudadano y Asociación por los Derechos Civiles, solicitaron una audiencia temática a la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, la cual se celebró el viernes 23 de octubre pasado. Sin embargo, la noticia central no fue la temática analizada sino la actitud del estado argentino.
On the campaign trail, Jimmy Morales skillfully avoided any details about his platform or policy plans. That vagueness has left a lot of questions about what President Morales will do in office: chief among them is whether he will continue the prosecutions against the military for human rights abuses.
The Guatemalan electorate has spoken, electing the political neophyte, Jimmy Morales, with no clear policy platform and a group of retired military officers with shady ties to the past behind him. The good news is Guatemalan civil society is mobilized and ready.
Todas las miradas en la Argentina están puestas en quién será el sucesor de Cristina Fernández de Kirchner a partir del 10 de diciembre de 2015. La pregunta va más allá de si habrá ballotage o no, la pregunta es: ¿Qué pasará después del 10 de Diciembre? Gane quien gane, el futuro de la economía Argentina dependerá de lo que haga el ganador cuando llegue a la Casa Rosada.
The question isn’t how the majority of Venezuelan citizens will vote in the December 6 national assembly elections but what conditions the balloting will be conducted under… and whether the government will accept the results.
On the eve of the October 25 second-round presidential elections in Guatemala and a month before the Seattle International Foundation’s Donors’ Summit, LatinAmericaGoesGlobal.org’s Chris Sabatini sat down to talk to Manfredo Marroquín to discuss the events of the past months, the need for a new political class, and the challenges for civil society and donors.
As former President Pérez Molina sits in jail, former comedian Jimmy Morales is the front-runner in the campaign for President of Guatemala. The Morales campaign was not central to the anti-corruption marches that brought down Pérez Molina, but he has become the politician most associated with the protest movement and the end of Pérez Molina. Is Morales the real face of the “Guatemalan Spring” or just the accidental beneficiary of the protests?
Corruption scandals and slowing economic growth have forced President Michelle Bachelet to backtrack on her campaign promises. Now facing the lowest levels of popular approval for any elected president since the 1990 transition, can Bachelet re-focus her government’s policy drift in time for the 2016 local elections?