Sobre la próxima elección de miembros de la CIDH y de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos

El próximo 15 y 16 de junio se llevará a cabo en Washington D.C. la 45ª Asamblea General (AG) de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA). En esta ocasión elegirán 4 nuevos miembros de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) y 4 nuevos jueces de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Esas elecciones también definirán el futuro y fuerza moral de la organización hemisférica. 

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When will Latin America stop excluding its Indigenous and LGBT populations?

Structural violence is the social, political, and economic disempowerment of particular social groups—racial, sexual, religious, ethnic, etc. How Latin American governments treat groups subject to structural violence says much about the progress made—and how much work is left to be done. And this concept, ultimately, carries implications for rule of law in the region.

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Secretary General Almagro: a cause for hope?

The new OAS Secretary General’s swearing-in speech should give us hope, not just because he talked about the OAS’s role in defending human rights and electoral transparency and inclusiveness, but also because of who he is and Uruguay’s principled position in the hemisphere. His first test will be the Venezuelan legislative elections.

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The impact of the Nisman case on Argentina’s Jewish community

Nisman’s death has also had a profound effect on Argentina’s Jewish community that once again faces age-old accusations of double loyalties, raising questions about their full inclusion in Argentine society. But worse, Nisman’s death and the official reaction have also presented serious risks for broader civil society in Argentina that go beyond the country’s Jewish community.

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Undocumented LGBT immigrants in the U.S.

Undocumented LGBT immigrants are doubly discriminated against in the United States, often facing job insecurity, low wages, and lack of access to healthcare. Immigration procedures and processes for asylum also remain unfair and unclear.

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Leopoldo Lopez and the injustice of Venezuela’s judicial system

Even if you don’t agree with the Venezuelan opposition’s call for “la salida” of President Maduro, leaders like Leopoldo Lopez, now in prison almost 15 months, still have the right to demand the resignation of a president–a right Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff rightly supported in her country. Here’s his parents’ story.

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The other history making moment at the Summit: LGBT rights

While all attention at the Summit of the Americas—where the President was en route—was understandably, if somewhat predictably, drawn to Cuba’s historic presence at the Summit and the anticipated conduct of Venezuela’s President Maduro when he met President Obama, the attention given to LGBT rights was historic as well.

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