Is this leadership?

Given the Administration's actions and plans, the slashing of the U.S. Department of State FY2018 budget request lowers the U.S.' leading position and influence around the globe.


On May 2017, the U.S. Department of State released its FY2018 budget request for $37.6 billion, aligned—it said—with the Administration’s four key national and  foreign-policy objectives: defending U.S. national security; asserting U.S. leadership and influence; fostering opportunities for U.S. economic interests and ensuring effectiveness and accountability to the U.S. taxpayers.

While they all point to maintaining U.S. leadership around the globe, given the Administration’s actions and plans—slashing of the budget, pulling out of the Paris Accord and the likely changes in Cuba policy—it remains an open question: is this leadership?

Photo credit: Paresh Nath, The Khaleej Times,

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