Could two wrongs make a right?
Enabling early pension withdrawals proved to be a suboptimal policy in Chile. Yet for other Latin American countries, early pension withdrawals should not be immediately discounted as a viable policy option.
Chinese advances in Chile
Both the positive aspects and the limits of Chile’s relationship with China merit further attention by other nations in the Western Hemisphere, both in terms of how to achieve benefits from engaging with China through strong, transparent institutions and what to guard against.
Hemisphere Weekly: high hopes for a new Chilean constitution
After more than half of eligible voters showed for the national referendum, Chile is now on a two-year path toward a new constitution.
The politics of Chile’s new constitution
Patricio Navia writes on the challenging path ahead to draft the new Constitution in Chile after the results of the referendum.
Chile’s populist moment?
“Chile’s compromise constitution may not satisfy anyone, but failure will satisfy no one.” While ignoring the reality of the government’s limitations would move the country further towards populism, ignoring the peoples’ demands could “reignite the streets.”
Chile y la Constitución: modelo neoliberal “contra las cuerdas”
Muchas reformas se han hecho a la Constitución de Pinochet. Pero no acabaron con los problemas que detonaron las protestas. ¿Optará Chile por la redacción de una nueva Carta Fundamental?
The U.S. Department of Defense’s science offices: The little big secret enabling science and technology across Latin America
The DoD’s science offices in Latin America work not only to build science and technology relationships with military institutions, but civil society as well.
Limitar la reelección de autoridades, una pésima reforma
Limitar la reelección de autoridades no sólo no resuelve los problemas actuales de la democracia chilena. sino que añade otros que no existían.
The State of LGBT+ Rights in the Americas
Global Americans hosts a panel on LGBT+ rights in the Americas to discuss legal advancements, how the community is affected by COVID-19 and what more needs to be done.