The other players in Venezuela’s conflict
Both Russia and the U&.S. remain firm in their stance, with the U.S. supporting Juan Guaidó and his efforts to bring democracy back to Venezuela and Russia supporting Maduro.
Both Russia and the U&.S. remain firm in their stance, with the U.S. supporting Juan Guaidó and his efforts to bring democracy back to Venezuela and Russia supporting Maduro.
In our thirteenth episode, Chris and Ken speak to Chef Teresa Corção about her transition from designer to chef, to manioc advocate, to an activist for sustainable food.
Juan Guaidó’s swearing in as interim president on January 23, 2019 and his recognition by more than 50 countries as Venezuela’s legitimate president has consolidated him as the leader of the opposition. But real power remains elusive for the young leader. What must happen to finally trigger change in Venezuela?
On May 21st, five candidates presented their credentials for membership of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights for the 2021-2024 term. Four posts need to be filled.
A semanas de que el Presidente Piñera entregue su segundo discurso anual a la nación ante el Congreso Nacional, los chilenos no están pensando en la próxima elección presidencial. La elite política está preocupada de los candidatos para la próxima contienda, porque el gobierno no está logrando controlar la agenda y no puede poner sus temas y prioridades en el debate político.
La obsesión de Catalá era dejar constancia por escrito de lo sufrido por los venezolanos por la represión dictatorial en la era de Marcos Pérez Jiménez.
On May 11, Cuba’s LGBTQI community took to the streets of Havana for the island’s annual gay pride parade, despite the government’s ban. But, in responding to protestors with its usual counteroffensive, the state was met with a sort of tropical Stonewall.
El esquema de cooperación que brindó la extinta Unión Soviética a Cuba entre 1961 y 1989 representó unos 35.000 millones de dólares, con el valor actual de la moneda estadounidense…
La forma en que Piñera ha gobernado en su segundo periodo demuestra que la derecha chilena predica un discurso de meritocracia —especialmente en su intento por revertir algunas de las más controversiales reformas que implementó el gobierno de Bachelet. Pero en la forma en que ejerce el gobierno, La Moneda sigue privilegiando una estrategia elitista y excluyente.
It’s no secret that the Trump administration’s endgame is to reduce China’s influence in the global economy. But tariffs will hurt American consumers and farmers the most.