Even in Prince’s death, TeleSur can’t help itself

In a short obit for Prince, rather than mentioning his impact on funk and pop, TeleSur focuses on how he opposed the Iraq war. The implication: Prince may have been a Bolivarian! But wasn't it the Raspberry Beret that gave it away all along?


Of course, everyone knows that the Venezuelan-government-underwritten 24-news channel TeleSur is a propaganda engine.  But even in reporting on the untimely death of pop legend Prince the hack news agency couldn’t resist slipping in its political message. Rather than listing the prolific artist’s music and his impact on funk and pop, TeleSur mentions that one of the greatest musicians and performers in recent history opposed the Iraq War, presumably like TeleSur did and, by implication, making him a supporter of TeleSur.

Note to TeleSur, with a little bit of creativity (never your strong suit) you could have done so much better.  You could have cited the Purple One’s hit 1999 (the year Chavez was sworn in!) or how Chavez himself used to wear a sort of Raspberry Beret.

Instead, the article ends with the Prince quote “we’d all be better off living for love,” again implying indirectly that TeleSur too represents the life of love…you know, like the love Nicolas Maduro has for people who oppose him or the love he feels for an independent press or human rights.  Here’s to the Purple Bolivarian.

See the article here.

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