Un derrumbe que aún no tiene garantías de haber terminado
Por algunos años, en tanto Venezuela se hundía, Brasil dejó de ser un mercado emergente para transformarse en potencia mundial. Fue un espejismo.
Por algunos años, en tanto Venezuela se hundía, Brasil dejó de ser un mercado emergente para transformarse en potencia mundial. Fue un espejismo.
Impeachment processes are always messy political processes (remember Bill Clinton’s in 1998?). In the case of Brazil, by providing a constitutional exit for unpopular executives, impeachment may be what ultimately preserves Brazilian democracy.
As this crisis unfolds, it becomes clear that president Dilma Rousseff seems to behave more like a losing goalie – making futile attempts to shield her team, and the little that remains of her government’s viability – than like the president which Brazilians vested with trust, and legitimacy to “lead” in 2011.
Together with the current economic recession, a hovering corruption scandal, a potential presidential impeachment and now the WHO declaration of a global emergency over the Zika virus, Brazil seems to be taking more than it can handle.